Executive board/committee leadership: Sandie Salat (Elections), Rochelle Lipkowitz (Healthcare & Social Security), Sybil Bank, Josie Pizer (at large), Nina Gordon (Human Rights), Harriet Becker (Fundraiser), Joan Esterces (Treasurer), Jeanette Fricault (ROA Vice President, Correspondence and Recording secretary), Rita Hall (President Emeritus and Publicity Director) Patty Katz (ROA President and Green Committee head); past members: Fran Reid (founding member); deceased: Shirley Romaine, Bobbie Zeller, Naomi Feldheim, Evelyn Weinstein, Marge Chaplin, Susan Posen, Marge Raphael and Jane Green; retired: Linda Leaf, Beverly Zeldin, Doris Salzburg and Gladys Thompson Roth.
For almost 20 years we have been in your corner fighting the good fight, contacting legislators, writing to publications and even putting bodies on the line to make change happen. But we cannot do this without you. A year long membership costs only $45. You can make a check out to Reach Out America and mail it to P.O. Box 222057, Great Neck, New York, 11022. If you would like to make a donation or pay your dues by using your Zelle account, go to your bank app, click transfer, then send money, and put in our email address [email protected]. It's a small price to pay to protect our country and our world.